
How To Prune Pussy Willows And When To Prune A Pussy Willow Tree

How To Prune Pussy Willows And When To Prune A Pussy Willow Tree

Trim a Pussy Willow Bush with Coppice Pruning Trim the pussy willow down to 6 to 12 (15-30 cm.) inches from the ground. The plant will regrow rapidly over the summer and in the following late winter or early spring, and you will be rewarded with a multitude of pussy willow catkins on long, straight stems.

  1. How do you care for a cut pussy willow?
  2. When should willow trees be pruned?
  3. When can I trim my weeping willow?

How do you care for a cut pussy willow?

Once cut, pussy willow stems will last indefinitely when treated with care. Keep them out of water to preserve the furry catkin. If you want the buds to continue to open, place them into water. Once they reach their desired sized, remove them from water and they stop growing.

When should willow trees be pruned?

The weeping willow tree should only be pruned during late winter to early spring when the tree is in its dormant period. This is because willow trees, like most trees, bleed sap if they are pruned during their active growth period.

When can I trim my weeping willow?

When to Prune Weeping Willows

You'll want to get out those pruners in late winter. Weeping willow pruning in winter allows you to cut back the tree when it is dormant. It also gets the willows in good condition before they start their spring growth.

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