
fan aloe plant care

fan aloe plant care

Easily grown in sandy or gravelly, well-drained soils in full sun or light shade. Water moderately during the spring to early fall, allowing the compost to dry between watering. Water sparingly during the winter. Fertilizer may be applied two or three times during the growing season.

  1. Do aloe plants need direct sunlight?
  2. What is the best position for an aloe vera plant?
  3. Do aloe vera plants like to be misted?
  4. How do I keep my aloe plant happy?

Do aloe plants need direct sunlight?

Before you buy an aloe, note that you'll need a location that offers bright, indirect sunlight (or, artificial sunlight). However, the plant doesn't appreciate sustained direct sunlight, as this tends to dry out the plant too much and turn its leaves yellow, rendering them subpar for use.

What is the best position for an aloe vera plant?

Aloe vera plants cannot tolerate standing water. One important thing in the care of aloe vera houseplants is that they have proper light. Aloe vera plants need bright light, so they do best in south- or west-facing windows.

Do aloe vera plants like to be misted?

Just avoid misting your Aloe vera – it doesn't need it & could rot out. If the leaves have gotten dirty & dusty, you can spray them off with water once or twice a year. Just avoid doing this in winter.

How do I keep my aloe plant happy?

To keep it happy, plant aloe in a terra cotta pot with well-drained dirt. Your best bet is to mix equal parts sand and potting soil or buy a special succulent mix. The terra cotta also dries faster than other plastic or glazed containers.

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