
Egret Flower Information - How To Grow An Egret Flower

Egret Flower Information - How To Grow An Egret Flower

Egret flower performs best in well-drained soil and either full sunlight or partial shade is fine. Growing egret flowers in pots is just as easy. Most importantly, use a potting mix formulated for orchids, or a well-drained media such as regular potting mix combined with sand and/or perlite.

  1. How do you plant an egret orchid bulb?
  2. How do you plant a white dove orchid?

How do you plant an egret orchid bulb?

Planting & Care

  1. Plant your habenaria tubers in spring and grow on in warm, frost-free conditions to plant out after risk of frost has passed.
  2. Plant the tubers (large seed size) 1-2cm deep in orchid compost.
  3. Space the tubers about 10-15cm apart.
  4. Plant with the shoots facing upwards.

How do you plant a white dove orchid?

In early spring the bulbs should be planted just below the surface, perhaps 1 cm (0.5 inch) deep. Plant them pointy side up. Once potted, put them in a sunny, warm position and keep them moist, but not wet. Be patient, they can take weeks to start to grow, but once they do, increase watering.

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