Marigold - Leht 2

uses of marigold flower wikipedia
What are marigold flowers used for?What are marigolds used for in India?Is marigold flower good for skin?Is Marigold good for eyes?Can we offer marigo...
marigold propagation methods
Pradeepkumar says marigolds can be easily propagated using softwood cuttings.Prepare rooting medium by filling a small pot with equal amounts of sand,...
marigold propagation in water
Marigolds are very easy to propagate by stem cuttings. Choose a healthy side shoot with no flowers. Cut about 3cm below a pair of leaves and let it so...
planting desert marigold seeds
Sowing: In late fall, direct sow the desert marigold seed 1/4" deep and lightly water once. For spring planting, stratify the seed by mixing it with m...
propagation of marigold
Marigold is mainly propagated by seeds. Besides; it can also propagated by herbaceous cuttings. Crop raised from seeds is tall, vigorous and heavy blo...
calendula marigold seeds
Pot Marigold, Scotch Marigold Calendula is an easy-to-grow hardy annual which flowers the same year as sowing. Its seeds can be sown direct in the gar...