Kale - Leht 4

Portugali lehtkapsaseemned
Kirjeldus: Ümarad lehed kui kraed, Tronchuda lehtkapsaseemnetel (Portugali lehtkapsas) on iseloomulik sinakasroheline värv ja silmapaistvad valged kes...
tronchuda portugali lehtkapsaseemned
Tronchuda Beira Portugali lehtkapsas toota paksud lehed maitsega kuskil šotide vahel lehtkapsas ja kapsas. See traditsioonilise hübriidversioon Portug...
when are kale seeds ready to harvest
When seed pods (silques) turn a light tan or buff color they are ready to harvest. Cut whole plants at or near ground level, windrow, and dry the plan...
when to plant kale in georgia
It is a cool-season crop and March is the time to plant kale transplants outdoors. March weather in Georgia can be tricky. If you have grown your own ...
when are kale seed pods ready to harvest
When seed pods (silques) turn a light tan or buff color they are ready to harvest. Cut whole plants at or near ground level, windrow, and dry the plan...
kale gone to seed
First, gardeners will need to pay close attention to when kale has gone to seed. For optimal seed production, growers will want to leave the plants un...
eating kale seeds
You can sprout kale, too. As with other varieties, the seeds are soaked in water until they grow roots and tiny leaves (the process takes a couple of ...
what do kale seeds look like
How do you get seeds from kale?Do kale plants produce seeds?Are kale seeds edible?How long does Kale take to grow from seed?How much do kale seeds cos...
how to harvest kale and lettuce
How do you harvest kale so it keeps growing?Will kale grow back after cutting?What is the best way to harvest kale?How long do kale plants last?How do...