
Identifying Flowers Learn About Flower Types And Inflorescences
What are the different types of inflorescence in flowering plants?What are the different types of inflorescence?What are the 4 types of flowers?What i...
What Is A Spathe Learn About The Spathe And Spadix In Plants
The spathe looks like a large flower petal, but it is actually a bract. ... A spathe is a single bract that surrounds the spadix, which is a flowering...
what is spathe
: a sheathing bract or pair of bracts partly enclosing an inflorescence and especially a spadix on the same axis the spathe of the calla lily.What is ...
spadix on õisik
The spadix on iseloomulik õisik tähelepanuväärsest aroomiperekonnast (Araceae). See koosneb paksenenud, lihavast teljest (ora), mis kannab istuvate, i...
spadix inflorescence example
Spadices are typical of the family Araceae, the arums or aroids. The spadix is typically surrounded by a leaf-like curved bract known as a spathe. For...