Chestnut - Leht 3

how long does it take for a horse chestnut tree to grow 25m high
The growth rate of the horse chestnut tree (Aesculus hippocastanum) is considered to be of medium speed which, according to the Arbor Day Foundation, ...
transplant horse chestnut tree
The rule of thumb is at least 10 inches of roots per 1 inch of tree trunk diameter. Dig with a shovel around the horse chestnut tree trunk, loosening ...
pollarding horse chestnut trees
These trees should be pruned in fall after the leaves have dropped or in early spring, before the sap starts to flow (March), this may reduce flowers....
how to plant horse chestnut seed
If you wish to attempt propagation, gather the horse chestnuts when they fall from the tree in early autumn. Chill them over winter in the fridge or i...
how long does it take for a horse chestnut tree to produce conkers
The fruits are large and prickly. They are green at first and turn yellow in the autumn. Each fruit generally contains one conker (or horse chestnut) ...
horse chestnut wood uses
The wood from the European horse chestnut (shown above) is creamy white and can be used for general turnery, carving, furniture and cabinetry. The woo...
horse chestnut leaf blotch
What is horse chestnut leaf blotch? Leaf blotch is an infection of the leaves of horse chestnuts by the fungus Phyllosticta paviae (syn. Guignardia ae...
horse chestnut leaf miner treatment
How do you deal with leaf miners?Can you compost horse chestnut leaves?Are horse chestnut leaves poisonous?How do I get rid of horse chestnuts?Should ...
problems with horse chestnut trees
Horse chestnut leaf minerBleeding Canker of Horse Chestnut (Pseudomonas syringae pv aesculi)Bleeding canker of horse chestnut: Symptoms.Bleeding canke...