Begonias - Leht 2

How To Care For Begonias As Houseplants
One of the tips for growing begonia as houseplants is to place them somewhere where they will get bright, indirect light and will get plenty of humidi...
Growing Rex Begonias Indoors Keeping A Rex Begonia Plant Inside
Generally, the rex begonia indoors prefers relatively cool temperatures, moist soil and humid conditions. Rex begonias do well in bright indirect ligh...
Growing Begonia Rhizomes - What Is A Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonias are herbaceous succulent plants that hail from the tropics. They are grown for their gorgeous blossoms and spectacular leaf shapes and colors...
rex begonia care outdoors
Outdoors, rex begonias like part- to deep shade, ordinary potting soil, and water when the top inch or so of the soil is dry. Give them a balanced liq...
rex begonia light requirements
Rex begonias do well in bright indirect light. Some direct sun is okay for short times, especially if it is from an eastern window that has morning su...
Repotting Begonias Tips For Moving Begonia To A Bigger Pot
Don't repot a begonia into a much larger pot. Generally, move up one pot size at a time. It's better for the plant to be repotted more frequently in s...
How To Feed Tuberous Begonias - Tips For Tuberous Begonia Fertilizing
Tuberous Begonias in Garden Beds Upon the formation of flower buds, you will want to apply a fertilizer cocktail of the 5-1-1 fertilizer and a bloom (...
Gryphon Begonia Care Tips On Growing Gryphon Begonias
apart in a location that receives shade to part shade. The soil in this location should be characteristically rich and well draining. Gryphon begonias...
risoomne begoonia muld
Kasvama risoomilised begooniad Noh, kasutage madalat potti, eelistatavalt savi (aga kui teie vees on palju soolasid, võivad plastpotid olla paremad) j...